Reflecting on more than a decade of Lytefire

I co-founded Lytefire more than a decade ago to work on issues of dependency and oppression. These, I identified, were the fundamental forces that create poverty. As an ecologist by training, the climate crisis was real for me then, as it is today, and energy seemed the key. Energy is still is one of the limiting factors for humanity now, but more fundamentally, what’s holding humanity back is the oppression and dependency. We still haven’t learned to learn from history. We still haven’t learned as citizens to keep our democracies in check. We have no ecologic and sustainable mainstream with a vision and the proof of what’s needed. We don’t know what we can really get behind as a sustainable future. So a lot of fundamental groundwork needs to be done - and time may have just ran out.

That being said, energy is one of these oppressive forces creating dependencies, globally. And the motivation to work on something as simple as Lytefire, a tech that can easily be built, maintained and provide high-temperature heat as a basis of a local economy, well, that’s been the vision and it is slowly turning into reality.

Slower, much slower than I wished for. But it’s happening. And we must stay persistent.
Now energy poverty is affecting more than two thirds of the world. And the 1st third of wealthy countries may find itself in a growing chaos.

More than ever it is important to look at energy and see what we can do. But also look at humanity, and all the other issues we face, of oppression, of dependency, of failing educational systems and failing democracies. Of dwindling attention and human connection. Of evaporating solidarity. What can we do? What does this transition look like, how can we make it happen, and can we make it happen smoothly or do we need to be bold?

In that sense, energy, as produced by Lytefire, in a local, sustainable, low-cost and maintainable way, can be an energy that creates no dependencies. That truly empowers the users to have their own, renewable energy access. That breaks the ties of oppression that the fossil industry is based on. That allows people to make a living, to gain independence, to be free. That allows them to build more of this energy, by building more Lytefires, locally. And I’m thinking of so many vulnerable people, women and youngsters, minorities and the oppressed, for whom we developed this technology in the first place. As a way to make solar energy a force for change.
And every solar energy access we build, I believe firmly, is more than just the replacement of fossil fuels. It’s an example of a concrete step in the right direction. We need more of these steps. With Lytefire, and otherwise. Especially in this political climate. #solarthermal
#localproduction #globalcollaboration #bearwithme

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